// On :Monday 23 July 2012

An upgrade has been added to my blog~ if you take a look at the right side you will find a gadget like this:

What is this?? It has a red square box, several white boxes.. stars, heart, plus sign and a Tune in button...  Don't tell me... it's a..   

  It's an Online Radio Streaming~! if you wanna listen to it, just click tune in~!!

This radio is called GUILD48 Caster fm. It mainly plays 48-family songs (AKB48, SKE48, SDN48, NMB48.. soon for HKT48 and JKT48 hahah~)

"aaah Why only 48-family songs??"

Because its GUILD48~! haha what is that? I have a community group here who loves AKB48 and their sister group songs and It's called GUILD48 and I created this radio station actually to entertain the members of GUILD when they are at work.. when they are bored or tired, hope the song will encourage them a bit.

I also to think to spread the love of 48-family to others~! even if you like it or not, hope it can brighten up your day~ so if you see the sign "LIVE BROADCAST" go click Tune in and it will play the song~! (if off air, it means the radio isn't online. :))

BONUS: when listening, you might get the chance to listen to my MC broadcast~! hahaha you'll listen a voice of me broadcasting some news from 48 family~ :)

A picture of me while MC-ing for the radio~! :)

Well, Enjoy the broadcast~!!!

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